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About Us


Health Not Harm MD  is a ballot issue committee registered in the state of Maryland. 

We represent a coalition of concerned parents, health and medical experts, nonprofit organizations and faith leaders from across Maryland focused on ensuring that radical out-of-state organizations aren’t able to rewrite our constitution

to impose one of the most extreme laws in the country

on Maryland families for their own financial gain.​


Health Not Harm MD  is fighting back against the so-called “Reproductive Freedom” amendment

because it would outlaw protections for the most vulnerable

and would eliminate basic health and safety regulations that exist to protect women and children.​


We believe that the State of Maryland has a duty to put patients before profits. 

All medical practices and procedures should be subject to reasonable health and safety regulations

that protect patients from medical negligence.

But this amendment would prohibit protections for patients.


We believe that the State must ensure that women have access to

quality prenatal care services and lifesaving alternatives to abortion if they so choose.

But this amendment would deny women real choice and put pregnancy support centers out of business.


We believe that parents must have the right to make medical decisions for their minor children.  

Especially high-risk procedures like late-term abortions or gender transition surgeries.

But this radical amendment is an all-out assault on parental rights

and would abolish parental notification and consent requirements

which protect minor children from predatory practices.


We believe that the State shall not infringe on citizen rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

But this amendment would restrict free speech and religious freedoms 

and force medical providers and hospitals to comply with this radical agenda.


If approved by voters in November 2024, the "Reproductive Freedom" Amendment

will mandate that Maryland taxpayers fully fund these radical elective procedures,​

enriching politicians who seek to 

impose this radical agenda 

on Maryland families.


If you agree that the “Reproductive Freedom” Amendment GOES TOO FAR

and puts women and children at risk - 


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